Part 88: 11/21/09 - 11/22/09: Harabah The Drought (Intermission)

Now that we're back from Kyoto, we've probably got a fair few days of respite ahead of us. Let's get right to it!

Gossiping: Where have they got you working?
Listening: Tuesday and Wednesday, I've got a construction job. And on Thurday and Friday, I'm at a gas station...
Gossiping: That's just as bad as mine... I'll be picking up empty cans.
I'm pretty sure that's not remotely equivalent...
> The first bell has rung.

So, if no one could agree AND no one takes control, how does Ekoda always get what he wants? Bit of a contradiction there...

Anyway, work experience sounds like... it's gonna be inconvenient. Aigis, what do you think?

Ryoji's dialogue is the same here regardless of outcome of that dumb, bad minigame. Now we can pretend it never happened. Hurray!

So, let's head on downstairs and talk to this girl hanging out by the persimmon tree.

So, this is a weird request for Elizabeth. It has no deadline, but you can only do it from today onwards. Didn't get drinks at Kyoto? Welp, too bad, it's impossible now.

Real quick, before I forget, we'll go to the Antiques Store and hand over Odin to make a sweet new spear. Gungnir isn't an Elemental Attack weapon. It gives Elec Boost, but its still a Pierce weapon. That's why it has a real accuracy stat.

I don't remember if we picked up the reward for the previous exam or not, so let's just go talk to Mitsuru for a minute.

So, NOW that she has Artemisia, we can finally hang out with Mitsuru. We need to be at today at the earliest, have Max Academics and have scored first place in an exam. Max Academics does lead to that last one, but if you only got to Academics 6 after the prevous midterms...

> Mitsuru is trying to get your attention.

> Mitsuru is enjoying her ramen.

Ramen Shop Owner: Bouillon? ...What the hell is that? Anyways, if ya want to know the recipe, sorry, I can't tell ya, lady. Without our secret recipe, we'd be outta business.

Ramen Shop Owner: Uh, no, that's not, uh...

> Mitsuru is deep in thought.

> Your relationship has grown closer...

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

> You decided to return to the dorm.

I guess if Aigis and Koromaru were outta the way, then there's nothing too unusual around here. Just helps avoid awkward questions like "why does Aigis have hooves" and all.

So, today we can finally finish all these mini-fetch quests from the dorm.

We'll take this one over to Elizabeth once we're done here, and finally wrap up our first quest line.

As promised, Aigis and Koromaru are hanging out together on the second floor.

> Koromaru tilted his head.

Wind Magatama to go with the previous ones we've snagged. Odd that this one gives us 3 but the rest didn't. No idea why that's a thing, but hey. Means I might bother ever using one of these. (nah probably not)

And there's the final Magatama, and it is... a clever joke that I'm not sure is intentional or not. Huh.
Anyway, getting 3 Gales stands out even more now, since its the only one that did that.

So, going to Tartarus today isn't a recommended thing normally. I'm doing it because I'm just rad like that. Why's it a bad idea? You'll see later.

So, uh, here's an odd one. There's absolutely nothing new at all in this stretch of Harabah. No new Shadows, no new items, nothing.

Didn't get one of these before, so it's the closest to something new. It's not super-great at this point, despite it being technically better than the "average". Yeah. Weapon fusion, in general, kinda skews the weapons curve a bunch.

Anyway, Fuuka finds the boss when we're on... floor 177. Dangit, Fuuka.

Not even any new quests that we can finish up here. Just gonna skip straight to the boss, then.

So, Stasis Giants are incredibly boring.

They have a lot of Slash elemental attacks and not much else. Zan-Ei is an odd choice, but it does get boosted on a New Moon so it might be a little bit more dangerous than normal.

Mighty Swing is... a thing, I guess. It's super, super outdated at this point so we've not got anything to worry about here.

Deathbound is the most risky and dangerous thing that they have, for sure. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Deathbound has a 25% crit rate on top of everything else that makes it very dangerous. Yeah.

Gigantic Fist is the only Strike elemental attack that they have, and one of a whole two attacks that aren't Slash. It's still just Gigantic Fist though; it'll hurt a bit but nothing we can't handle.

Double Fangs rounds that out as both their hands-down weakest attack and their final non-Slash attacking skill. It's incredibly outdated Pierce. We haven't seen it in for-fucking-ever for good reason.

Of course they have Power Charge. It'd be weirder if they didn't. They just don't use it overly often, really.

Oddly enough, they have some restorative spells. Diarama is the most likely one to come up, but they also have Posumudi and Me Patra. Allegedly. I've sure never seen it, though.

The actual fight is kinda eh. They're immune to Slash, resist Strike, Pierce, Fire and Wind. Each Stasis Giant has 1400 HP and SP. Oddly enough, their highest stat is Magic at 47; they have 37 Strength and 43 Endurance.

A Balm of Life isn't too shabby a reward, all things considered. Since this Tartarus boss fight was against three Shadows, its reminiscent of Thebel from way back when. Clearly there's a bit more to go, but anyone playing would know that since Elizabeth wants a drop from a Shadow that starts to spawn from floor 181 onwards.
We'll deal with that later, don't worry.

But first, the Stasis Giants pushes Makoto upto level 59. That means we can make Siegfried and he is the earliest Persona that can learn Vorpal Blade. It's a multi-target skill that has a base power of 500, 99% Accuracy and only has a 5% crit rate. It even has an added bonus of dealing 150% normal damage whenever Makoto's in Great status.
There's a bit of a glitch involving this skill, though. Naturally, it is possible to get it earlier via skill changes but if you do its a bit broken. It's significantly weaker and doesn't get the Great bonus. Vorpal Blade cannot skill change, and in vanilla it could not be the result of a skill change either.
But, hey, Siegfriend sounds to me like a teutonic dragon slayer. Just gonna pull Ares out of the compendium...

And use Scarlet Havoc. It's... kinda underwhelming, honestly.

It has a base power of 320, 99% accuracy and a 5% crit rate. It just deals Slash damage and has no added effects. It's genuinely worse than alternatives we have at this point that are easier to use.

And there's Mitsuru's summer casual clothing. That makes all of those, so what's next?

Winter clothing, of course, and hey Valhalla. We can pull this one off right now, since Odin is a level lower than Siegfried.

So, Valhalla is a... very niche skill. A lot of fusion spells we've seen so far only cost 15% of Makoto's SP. This one costs 20%, which sounds pretty cheap all things considered.

It does make one person straight up invulnerable. It works like all buffs, so Junpei gets to make one action while invulnerable, and then when the turn order ticks back around to him again...

He becomes vulnerable again. He becomes very vulnerable, in fact, as Valhalla drops his HP and SP to 1. Yeesh.

It's better armor than the Summer outfit, but its also a fashion item of course. That's way more important than things like "stats."

We can't do this one yet. We need Scathach, of course, who's not available until level 64. Also need Fuuka's s. link maxed, but we did that a while ago so that's not a big deal.
Nothing else to do here tonight, then. We'll just leave now.
...And because we came here, we accidentally skipped a fairly important cutscene. Thanks, game!
Glass breaks, an alarm goes off...
That voice...
Well, well, look who's... somehow... still alive.
Jin, the instruments, if you would.
I trust you do not need to be restrained?
Surely you understand...
Death is not to be feared.
You need only fear--
Yes, I know.
Since the day I met him, I've experienced nothing but pain...
And I've become afraid of dying...
Hey, hurry up, Chidori.
Rather notably, she left her sketchbook behind...

So, uh, yeah. That scene can be missed for some reason. That's pretty bad! Probably wouldn't really ever happen in practice, though.

Tanaka's selling a new set of shoes. Shoes are probably the best thing to still bother buying, since they're not fashion gear and we can't bust the intended scale by... use of a basic mechanic.

Maybe you could... not be a weird creep? A bit too late now, but it's always a good time to start.

Nothing else of note to do today, so we'll head right on over to Akinari.

> Akinari smiled weakly.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

> You decided to go back to the dorm.
I like Akinari and all, but I'm really glad that he's finally found a creative outlet that doesn't involve complaining at a 17 year old for a couple minutes.

wait what noooooo

Newscaster: It seems that someone threw an explosive device into the Tatsumi Memorial Hospital last night. Police suspect a crazed member of one of the Apathy Syndrome victims' families, and...
...Welp, so I guess there's nothing else to do tonight then. Just got a few days before this career experience thing. Might as well take advantage of free time while we definitely have it, then.

So, this is a bit of a surprise that just ocmes out of nowhere huh. Sure, there's the cutscene that lets you know Chidori's back with Strega, but the payoff for that being an instant attack is... a bit different to the normal pacing we've grown used to. Would've maybe expected some more time, maybe a scene of "Chidori is missing" and then whatever's gonna happen here being the full moon event since that counter is still right there...
Anyway, with Junpei understandably unavailable now, his slot goes to one particularly lucky android.

this covers the entire rest of the update; maybe just watch it instead

By all accounts, Chidori is the closest thing Strega have to a navigator. Much like Mitsuru, it seems like she can do that and be a front-line fighter... but not at the same time...?

Much like Takaya and Jin, she has mid-fight dialogue but she doesn't need to wait to get turns to say things.

Which is good, because... she won't be getting many of them.

Also like Takaya and Jin, new dialogue is triggered around the 1/3rd, 2/3rd and critical HP thresholds.

So, Chidori's... really not a threat, surprise, surprise. She's from Strega, of course she's not dangerous. Draining Fire means that she's worse at that than Jin, for my money, and only nullifying Expel and Curse puts her below both Takaya and Jin on that front too.
She only has 1200 HP, is a lower level than the Stasis Giants we just fought and her stats are 35 across the board.

The most interesting thing about Chidori is that if she gets a turn, she recovers more HP from a special passive than we ever could. Spring of Life regens 8% HP here, which is more than even Regenerate 3 which is only 6%.

Chidori has a bizarrely high number of skills that she will never get to use. Both Mudoon and Mamudoon are obvious, all things considered.

But she even has all 3 multi-target debuffs. No buffs, outside of Mind Charge, though.

So, Chidori's Persona is Medea of the Hanged Man arcana. She fell in love with Jason (of Argonauts fame) and used her alchemical magicks to restore his elderly and frail dad back to youth. Here, she's a kind of rad skull demon thing that has the bare minimum of what could be called "animation".

There's more that Chidori CAN do, but would you really even believe me if I said she could cast Marin Karin/Sexy Dance? Because I sure wouldn't believe me.
She does, at least, give a fucking ton of EXP though. Jeez.

in case you want to skip the pre-battle/super-short battle bits

Takaya draws his hunting revolver...

All of a sudden, we get an actual flash of white and things get... weird.

...Did he just do the impossible and hit Jin with a Fire attack?!

Am I the only one getting deja vu here?